Support your local Hospital... GET FINNED
So you asked for substance... well when everything else was knee to thigh on the Cape; Juggernaut, Gage (needs a nickname), Jessica Rabbitt and I were catching some high tide stomach/chest shore break death drops @ Poopy Juicers... After about 50 drops I got out and noticed a sundried tomato on my foot, i rubbed it off and it was congealed blood and sand... I remember hitting my foot but thought nothing of it at the time... Instant blood loss ensued and it was off to the hospital... I want to thank Doc Luczkow and Cathie of Cape Cod Hospital for the painless repair and I promise to be out of the water for the full 10 DAYS... I swear... really I do... NOT!!!! Maybe a day or two... Thanks Angel and Gage for the on beach medical attention
Congratulation Doid on your graduation, now go earn Stink some sweet moolah so he can be a surf bum... Yeah, you too Melissa!!!
Congratulation Doid on your graduation, now go earn Stink some sweet moolah so he can be a surf bum... Yeah, you too Melissa!!!
awhhhhh Shit man that sucks but funny entry i must say
Damn I missed it! SOAT total domination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooops meant to say SOTA
Why am I anonymous?
dam, the duck gets trashed in the shorebreak and i miss it because of the doid's graduation! that's awesome hardcore schizizle!!
man up, nancy boy!! why didn't ya stuff some surf wax in the wound and paddle back out. puss!!
Miss you out there "Tearing it up speaking of hows the foot? Check with me I have waterproof bandaids. Lets rig up thr beach mobile throw Jack on top and get out there.
So when's our next trip to poopy juicers?
yo dudes, you guys are sick!! i love it.
What's up, Pedro? Are you still licking your wound or are you going to man up and get out there and crush it?
we need waves for that
the paw is still sore... already lost a stitch... might be heading up north this weekend but might hit it 2moro
Is any body out there? Hey Pedro, you must have scared them away with all the blood ans gore!
Marconi was goin off
the cam looked awesome... i have already lost 2 stitches, need to take it easy before the foot busts open again... something tells me stink dominated today... he had to... i saw him barreling down 6A at about 38mph... burning the fuel to get wet
Hey Hawktye, missed you yesterday. I was crushin it down south.
That sucks dude ! In the meantime, just stick your paw out the window when you go big pimpin in the Tacoma...
Where the hell are you! the SOTA miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
goin surf today
@ marconi COME!
I will always remember late at night, quitting, Wayside, and friendship. Thanks for making it memmorable.
People thats my E-mail put me on your crazy list
only a category 1 but looks promising for the NE
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