BERTHA... A question posed
Hurricane Bertha near Bermuda on July 31, 1990 with winds of 80 mph
(looks like she had such a good time last time that she came back for more)
One of the manygreat things that has grown outta this blog has been the comment section... Mainly its the cast of merry pranksters spewing insightful garbage at each other, however there are lurkers out there who need to identify themselves, I see you, i have spies... I devilshly invite the merry pranksters and the LocoSurf heads to describe their most memorable Bertha experience or what Bertha has meant to you as a person, as a surfer, or as a dog... Please add your comments/responses and IDENTIFY yourself...
i remain salted,
i bid adeiu to you, a beauiful bertha
Dressed myself in green
I went down to the sea
Try to see what's going down
Maybe read between the lines
Had a feeling I was falling, falling, falling
Turned around to see
Heard a voice calling, calling, calling
You was comin after me
(looks like she had such a good time last time that she came back for more)
i remain salted,
i bid adeiu to you, a beauiful bertha
Dressed myself in green
I went down to the sea
Try to see what's going down
Maybe read between the lines
Had a feeling I was falling, falling, falling
Turned around to see
Heard a voice calling, calling, calling
You was comin after me
Back to me
I had to move
Really had to move
That's why if you please
I am on my bended knees
I had to move
Really had to move
That's why if you please
I am on my bended knees
Although I only went on one date with her, it was memorable. She didn't waste any time showing me her sexy curves and moves, and for a brief moment, I was worthy. Then she showed me a dance move I'd never seen before and sent me flying.
Bertha oh entire week of ever improving swell and conditions. To me Bertha was ducking out of work to ride those rolling beauties and having to go back to work all night just to skip work again the next day to ride more swell..My two best days - Thursday, somewhere in Wellfleet, an occasional BOMB would break on the outside bar and I sat and waited for that bomb and caught what at the moment is imprinted on the biggest most beautiful wave of my life. Took 20 minutes to paddle back out to that bar to get just one more of those beauties. Friday at a break in Eastham...paddled half a mile from the crowd to find an unridden perfect peak breaking left and right clean and consistant..had almost 2 hours to myself on that wave before a monster of a seal realized i was alone and got a little too close for comfort
I didn't get to make absolute love to her but i did get a little action. spent a full week and a half surfing micronic pulses of the swell, waiting, and waiting, only to be stuck working @ Little Overhead when the swell ABSOLUTLY ON, however shared an extreamly rare moment with me and several other of my friends and about 30 others at marconi to surf chest-head++++ and then til dark with a 2 hour moonlight session! Bertha also had several other yummies to offer such as a total ass beating and some unreal right handers the day before the swell peaked,chasing kooks out of the water with the log and perfect chest-overhead uncrowded hollow white crest with only one other person that was the kicker my friends that was what made this swell for me.
Tommy Hawk
I always seem to have my best sessions with Juggernaut... It was Friday, i worked all morning and got out at 11:15... we bee-lined it to the beach to be greeted with solid head high rolling beauties, they were as clean as a virgin on prom nite... My wave of the week was a head high set wave that we were both going for, jugs about 50 feet to the right of me... he told me that he though there was no way i was gonna make the drop, it pitched up, i air-droppped her somewhat cockeyed, when i got to the bottom, she was barreling down on me with all her beauty, she let me slap her ass the whole way to the beach, on my paddle back out bertha had her way with me, about 5or 6 more set waves on the head later, Juggernaut and I shared that Holy Shit moment... I love holy shit moments!!!
then i had to go back to work and mow fairways until dark and all i saw was the drop playing over and over and over again in my head!!!
p.s. paul's moniker needs some work, but we clearly know who you are!!! Thanks man!!!
I have not forgotten the long awaited Blog-thanks Pedro, I know it's time consuming. I can not comment on Bertha for I am tired. I have been on a mission to help a super human regain his powers losing some of my own. SOTA's thanks for the MOJO. I am back! Pedro, I need a few more days of regaining mojo and super powers then I will comment on that Beautiful Bitch Bertha. She makes me tired just thinking about her!P.S. Paul, long hair and knee paddler?
Bertha?- I will make it short and sweet and write more later. Friends, big ass motha fuck n waves and of course the beatdowns. Jugg the double over head you dropped and rode is one of the best memories. Paul figured out who you are. The one with the big smile that makes me happy every time you are out there. Wished we had shared some waves!
BIG ass mutha-fuck'n waves say it like your a crack whore wrecking ball!
Tommy hawk
Bertha,my sweet. when i first heard your name, i thought she will be classic,like an old time vintage pin-up girl. little did i know how sexy an older woman could be. when we first met, i fumbled, drooled and pawed at you all day. the next day, laying crippled in bed, ignoring the dawn surf cell call,i realized i would need to pace myself if i were to survive this mad romance. the next 9 days were, and always will be, the best summer surf of all time. there was the 2 hour head high perfection, all by myself at crushers. that was dreamlike,thinking back now. then there was sharing it with jugs and wrecking ball thru the high tide. those lefts were insane. thursday morning was all time. jugs and i hit a spot that never worked before this. crazy big, fast, rippin rights. when the shit is on, the juggernaut is always willing. thanks w.b. and jugs for watchin my back, s.o.t.a rocks! how about the sesh "on the house". perfection once again. Bertha, you were my summer romance i always wanted. so perfect, so hot, i woke up with a hard on every day, lookin for a piece of your magnificience, your sweetness, your power. thanks for making me feel so alive. before you, i was known as stinky. now that i survived you, i have been transformed into hydro. wow, you were one hot, sexy, horny bitch!
bertha was sick! only got out twice, it was barreled a couple times too. hope she comes back.rock on dudes!!
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