Support your local Hospital... GET FINNED
So you asked for substance... well when everything else was knee to thigh on the Cape; Juggernaut, Gage (needs a nickname), Jessica Rabbitt and I were catching some high tide stomach/chest shore break death drops @ Poopy Juicers... After about 50 drops I got out and noticed a sundried tomato on my foot, i rubbed it off and it was congealed blood and sand... I remember hitting my foot but thought nothing of it at the time... Instant blood loss ensued and it was off to the hospital... I want to thank Doc Luczkow and Cathie of Cape Cod Hospital for the painless repair and I promise to be out of the water for the full 10 DAYS... I swear... really I do... NOT!!!! Maybe a day or two... Thanks Angel and Gage for the on beach medical attention
Congratulation Doid on your graduation, now go earn Stink some sweet moolah so he can be a surf bum... Yeah, you too Melissa!!!
Congratulation Doid on your graduation, now go earn Stink some sweet moolah so he can be a surf bum... Yeah, you too Melissa!!!